http://www.acousticslib.comOTL Acoustics-Lib:The Rosetta Stone of Acoustics LibraryOTL Acoustics-Lib is a .Net Framework code library which allows easy implementation of complicated acoustic calculations. The main benefits of OTL Acoustics-Lib are accuracy, speed and extensibility. OTL Acoustics-Lib powers all Mediterranean Acoustics products such as Olive Tree Lab-Terrain, an outdoor sound propagation calculation software application, OTL-BASICS a Building Acoustics application to be announced soon and OTL-Room, a Room Acoustics application to be announced by the end of 2013. OTL Acoustics-Lib can be used for the calculation of various acoustical parameters in 3D environments, for the development of custom acoustics software applications, for the execution and testing of new acoustical calculations. OTL Acoustics-Lib is powerful and easy to use. Using OTL Acoustics-Lib you can develop fully functional code within minutes and new acoustical software applications within some hours.
Test drive the Olive Tree Lab - Acoustics Lib Custom-Made software application PEMARD also offer custom made software applications using OTL – Acoustics Lib. We can create a custom application based on your brief and specifications at a fee to be agreed in advance*. PEMARD will provide the client a working demo with limitations on its use, for evaluation. You would be able to use the application for a trial period of one month, after which they have the option to either buy the application or return the application with no further obligations. For more information please contact us on
Additional features under development